Energy is the next frontier of the smart home

2024-06-21T11:49:58+02:00By |Insights|

Smart homes are becoming more popular and are designed to improve convenience, comfort, security, and energy efficiency. Their goal is to optimise energy production, distribution, and consumption using smart technologies.  Smart homes are rapidly adopting this innovative technology to reduce [...]

Plentify for property developments

2024-03-26T09:26:20+02:00By |Power plays|

At Plentify, our mission is to enable cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy. We've developed an intelligent load management platform for home appliances, that reduces electricity costs and negative environmental impact. For residential property developers grappling with the challenge of [...]

More control with Plentify

2024-03-26T09:59:49+02:00By |Watts up|

Plentify offers a level of control that surpasses traditional geyser timers and provides more flexibility than alternatives, like manually toggling your geyser breaker on and off on your distribution board.    Here's how Plentify can take your geyser control to [...]

What to expect when going off-grid

2024-03-26T09:35:20+02:00By |Watts up|

We recently sat down with Steven Cooper, one of our senior software engineers, to learn about his experience taking his home electricity usage completely off grid. We dive into some of the nitty gritty details and motivations for this kind [...]

Plentify 101

2024-03-26T16:43:21+02:00By |Watts up|

How to join the Plentify community, and what to expect.  We’re on a mission to give South Africans cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable energy, and we’re driven by one core principle: being smarter with what we’ve got. When you sign [...]

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